What is Forest Therapy?
Forest Therapy, or Shinrin-Yoku as it is known in Japan, is the practice of entering a forest and experiencing all that it has to offer as a mode of therapy. Since the early 1980’s in Japan, medical researchers and practitioners have been documenting the benefits of shinrin-yoku, translated literally as ‘forest bathing’. There is now an abundance of scientific literature on the physiological and psychological benefits of spending time in a mindful manner in nature. What is unique about a forest as a therapeutic milieu is that trees - especially conifers - release chemicals known as phytoncides that have considerable beneficial health effects. Forest therapy has only been formally practised in the west for roughly the past six years, but in that time several associations have been established that train guides in this practice. Typically, a forest therapy walk consists of a two to three-hour, slow-paced walk, as well as periods of sitting and group discussion, culminating in a shared tea ceremony. It is a semi-structured process of becoming more attuned to the natural world, through the senses.
So why am I offering this service, and this time? I have had a longstanding love of the outdoors since childhood, and continue to enjoy spending time in nature in a variety of ways, including canoe tripping, hiking, and x-c skiing. As well, I have been a long-time meditation practitioner, and so the opportunity to blend together my appreciation for the outdoors with mindfulness, in a practice that is accessible to most people, and that has a substantial evidence-base is very appealing. Lastly, it seems to me that more than ever, we can all benefit from slowing down, connecting with the natural world, and experiencing how our needs and those of the biosphere are profoundly interdependent. Through forest therapy, I believe we can learn that taking care of ourselves is ultimately contingent on more fully appreciating and taking care of the planet.
I will be adding a calendar to this site to see when upcoming walks will be held, so I invite you to check back again.
Also, as of 2022, I am excited to offer a discount to my clients to purchase essential tree oils from The Aromatherapist, a family-owned business in Guelph, Ontario. Their web address is: https://www.thearomatherapist.com. Please use discount code “Dr.Beech” at check out to receive 10% off your purchase. I have made this arrangement especially for people who come on my forest therapy walks, and who would like to bring some of the benefits of the forest into their homes or offices. I hope you enjoy this offer.
“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.” Henry David Thoreau.